No Confidence Motion

 Council notes the findings of its independent external auditor’s Public Interest Report (PIR) and the significant role played by the council leader in removing the council’s former chief executive from their job.

Council concludes from the report’s findings that the officer’s removal was for reason other than their ability to effectively do their job - at significant avoidable cost to the local taxpayer.

 Council further notes from the independent PIR assessment:

·        that the council leader prioritised political considerations over propriety in the use of public money in making this decision;


·        that the council leader failed to declare a prejudicial conflict of interest in chairing the meeting and taking part in the (potentially unlawful) decision to commit over £400k to ensure the officer was removed from their job;


·        the council leader’s decision to use this sum of public money to ensure a bullying and victimisation case made against himself and the council was dropped;


·        that while off work ill, evidence provided indicates ‘the council’ did not want the former chief executive to return to work.


The council leader has already once before been found in breach of the councillor code of conduct.


Council believes pursuing a personal vendetta to remove a council officer for simply doing their job, and using £400k of public money to do so, is immoral and an unacceptable waste of public money, representing a major failure to adhere to the Nolan principles for standards in public life.

Council resolves that it no longer has confidence in Coun. Keith Aspden to undertake the role of council leader with the integrity, professionalism and ethical standards required of someone having the honour to represent this great city at such a high level.